Piękno & Pasje e-shop

Polskie Wydawnictwo Rolnicze

Polskie Wydawnictwo Rolnicze (Polish Agricultural Publishing House) has been present on the Polish market for more than 20 years. During this period, it has deserved its reputation in the agricultural sector, mainly thanks to its magazine, Top Agrar Polska.


With great experience in the market in the sector, PWR decided to launch a new bimonthly, Piękno & Pasje, addressed to a much wider range of readers. As an addition to the magazine, there is an e-shop in which the products presented in the magazine can be purchased. We were challenged to develop an e-shop offering green products.

Supplied solution

Based on our original CMS system, enriched with e-commerce (e-shop) features, we launched Piękno & Pasje and integrated the shop database with the database of magazine subscribers. The shop is hosted on our dedicated platform.

E-commerce Thinq CMS system, coding ASP.NET, Hosting

View on-linesklep.pieknoipasje.pl/
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